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Welcome to the backend of kwai.

Ruff License: MIT


This is the backend for the KWAI sports club management system. This system contains a JSON:API REST API, a CLI and an event bus.

All server side code is written with Python using FastAPI for the REST API and Typer for the CLI. Currently, the event bus is not in use yet.


The frontend is also served by FastAPI.



Clone the repository to your system.

Poetry is used as Python packaging and dependency management tool. Make sure it is available.

Use Poetry to install all the dependencies: Make backend the current directory and run:

poetry install

This will only install the modules required to run KWAI, for developing add dev and docs dependencies:

poetry install --with dev,docs


A kwai.dist.toml file is available to create the configuration file. Copy this file and update it with your configuration. Make sure not to add this file to version control.

Set the full path of the configuration file in the environment variable KWAI_SETTINGS_FILE.

To avoid abuse, make sure that this file is located in a private folder and not available from the internet.


KWAI needs a database. Migration files are available in the folder migrations. Dbmate is used as migration tool.

dbmate -d "./migrations" --url protocol://user:password@host:port/database up


Create a .env file to avoid entering the dbmate arguments over and over again. See Command line options.


only "up" migrations are provided. Create a backup of the database before running the migrations. Although dbmate can run "down" migrations, they are not used because these are hard to test and can generate more problems than they solve.


kwai uses Redis for handling events. When an event is published, it will be put on a stream. Each event will have its own stream. Make sure the settings for redis are set in the configuration file.

A separate process is used to handle the events: kwai_bus.


A CLI program can be used to test and interrogate the system. See CLI for more information.


To make testing easier, a docker compose file is provided to set up a container with the required infrastructure. This will install and create the following containers:

  • A MySQL database.
  • redis for events.
  • Mailcatcher for testing emails.

Use a .env file for setting the password for mysql (KWAI_DB_PASSWORD) and redis (KWAI_REDIS_PASSWORD).

Don't add .env to version control!


The backend is written in Python. The following tools are used to develop kwai: + Poetry for managing dependencies. + Black for formatting the code, + ruff for linter. + pytest for testing the code.

There are pre-commit hooks defined for formatting and linting the code. Use Poetry to create the pre-commit hooks:

Use the backend folder as working directory for the poetry commands.

poetry run pre-commit install

There are several github actions defined:

  • backend_test: will run all pytest test when code is pushed in backend/src.
  • generate_docs: will generate this documentation.
  • mirror: will copy the repository to codeberg.
  • ruff: will check the code.

Project structure

The kwai API code in the repository is located in the backend folder.


This folder contains all files for creating this documentation site.


This folder contains the database migrations. Dbmate is used as migration tool.


This folder contains the Python code. The system is written following DDD as software development philosophy. Clean code should be the result of following this philosophy. The folder kwai contains the program code, tests contains the pytest code for testing the program code.