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Welcome to the frontend of kwai.

The frontend consists of several single page applications. Vue is used as JavaScript framework. The frontend code is written with Typescript.

The code is structured as a mono repository. It contains applications and libraries.



Clone the repository to your system.

npm is used as packaging and dependency management tool. Make sure it is available.

Make frontend the current directory and use npm to install all dependencies:

npm install

Task can be used as runner and build tool.


The frontend uses a config package.


A development version of the frontend can be started. Make frontend the current directory and run the dev_apps task. This task will build all the packages from the monorepo and build and serve the applications.

task dev_apps

Vite is the local development server. Each application will have a vite server.

The FastAPI backend is used to serve all applications.


To create a production version of the frontend:

npm run build


task build_apps

This will create dist folders in each application.