Administrating WebSphere MQ with your browser.
The second part of the URI must be tpstatus
to call the TopicStatusController.
Get status information about one or more topics. This action executes the
MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC_STATUS pcf command. On success, the returned JSON
object will have a data
array, on failure an error
URL Parameters
The name of the queuemanager. This parameter is required.
The topic stringname of a topic. This parameter is optional.
Query Parameters
Specifies how the command is executed when the queuemanager is a member of a queue-sharing group. This parameter applies to z/OS only.
Speficies which filter to use: I
means Integerfilter, S
means Stringfilter.
FilterParam and FilterValue are required to create the filter. When a
filter can’t be build because of too little information, it will be silently
The operator that is being used to evaluate whether the parameter satisfies the filter-value.
The default is EQ
The following values are allowed:
: Greater thanLT
: Less thanEQ
: Equal toNE
: Not equal toNLT
: Not less thanNGT
: Not greater thanLE
: Less than or equal toGE
: Greater than or equal toCT
: ContainsEX
: Excludes
A Stringfilter can use some additional operators:
: Matches a generic stringNL
: Does not match a generic stringCTG
: Contains an item which matches a generic stringEXG
: Does not contain any item which matches a generic string.
The name of the parameter to filter on. The names are based on the names used in the WebSphere MQ information center.
The value to use for filtering. When a string is passed for an Integerfilter, a WebSphere MQ constant is assumed.
The type of status to return. The value can be Status
, Sub
or Pub
is case-sensitive. The default value is Status
With the TopicStatusAttrs parameter you can specify which attributes must be returned from the PCF command. Multiple occurences of this parameter are possible. The value must be a valid attribute name.
Attrs is a synonym for TopicStatusAttrs
By default * is used which matches all topic strings. This parameter is ignored when there is a URL parameter for a topicstring.
This sample is a PHP script that inquires all topic statuses from a queuemanager:
* This sample will show all topic statuses from a queuemanager.
* MQWeb runs on localhost and is listening on port 8081.
if ( count($argv) < 2 ) {
echo 'Please pass a queuemanager name as argument', PHP_EOL;
$qmgr = $argv[1];
$url = 'http://localhost:8081/api/tpstatus/inquire/' . $qmgr . '/*';
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
if ( ($response = curl_exec($curl)) === false ) {
$err = curl_error($curl);
echo 'An HTTP error occurred while getting topic status information from '
, $qmgr
, ': '
, $err
else {
$json = json_decode($response);
// When there is an error object returned, something went wrong with
// the WebSphere MQ command.
if ( isset($json->error) ) {
echo 'An MQ error occurred while inquiring topic status from '
, $qmgr
echo 'Reason Code: '
, $json->error->reason->code
, " - "
, $json->error->reason->desc
else {
echo 'Topic Status on ', $qmgr, PHP_EOL;
echo '----------------', str_repeat('-', strlen($qmgr)), PHP_EOL;
if ( isset($json->data) && count($json->data) > 0 ) {
foreach($json->data as $status)
echo $status->TopicName->value, PHP_EOL;
echo 'No status found', PHP_EOL;
JSON Object
When using an application/json POST request you can post a JSON object with names like the query parameters.
All URL parameters and query parameters are ignored except for the URL parameter for the name of the queuemanager.
'TopicString' : '*'
There are some differences between query parameters and a JSON object:
- JSON property names are case-sensitive
- TopicStatusAttrs is a JSON array with attributenames as element.
- Synonyms can’t be used, you need to use the name of the attribute as described in the query parameters.
- A filter is an object: IntegerFilterCommand can be used to filter on parameters which has integer values, while StringFilterCommand can be used to filter on parameters with string values. The filter object has these three properties: Parameter (see FilterParam), Operator (see FilterOp) and FilterValue (see FilterValue).
An IntegerFilterCommand can’t be used together with a StringFilterCommand
This sample is a Perl script that inquires all topic statuses:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use JSON;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
# This sample will show all topic status from the given queuemanager.
my $qmgr = shift;
die("Please pass me the name of a queuemanager as argument")
unless defined($qmgr);
my $json = JSON->new;
my %input = (
'TopicString' => '*'
my $content = $json->encode(\%input);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = POST 'http://localhost:8081/api/tpstatus/inquire/' . $qmgr;
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content-length' => length($content)
my $res = $ua->request($req);
die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;
my $mqweb = $json->decode($res->content());
if ( exists($mqweb->{error}) ) {
say 'An MQ error occurred while inquiring topic status.';
say 'Reason Code: '
, $mqweb->{error}->{reason}->{code}
, ' - '
, $mqweb->{error}->{reason}->{desc};
else {
foreach my $status(@{$mqweb->{data}}) {
say $status->{TopicName}->{value};