Coverage for src/kwai/api/ 81%
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1"""Module that integrates the dependencies in FastAPI."""
3from typing import Annotated, AsyncGenerator
5import jwt
7from fastapi import Cookie, Depends, HTTPException, status
8from import OAuth2PasswordBearer
9from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
10from faststream.redis import RedisBroker
11from import SASLPlaintext
12from jwt import ExpiredSignatureError
14from kwai.core.db.database import Database
15from import FastStreamPublisher
16from import Publisher
17from kwai.core.settings import SecuritySettings, Settings, get_settings
18from kwai.core.template.jinja2_engine import Jinja2Engine
19from kwai.modules.identity.tokens.access_token_db_repository import (
20 AccessTokenDbRepository,
22from kwai.modules.identity.tokens.access_token_repository import (
23 AccessTokenNotFoundException,
25from kwai.modules.identity.tokens.token_identifier import TokenIdentifier
26from kwai.modules.identity.users.user import UserEntity
29oauth = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="/api/v1/auth/login")
32async def create_database(
33 settings=Depends(get_settings),
34) -> AsyncGenerator[Database, None]:
35 """Create the database dependency."""
36 database = Database(settings.db)
37 try:
38 yield database
39 finally:
40 await database.close()
43async def create_templates(settings=Depends(get_settings)) -> Jinja2Templates:
44 """Create the template engine dependency."""
45 return Jinja2Engine(
48async def get_current_user(
49 settings: Annotated[Settings, Depends(get_settings)],
50 db: Annotated[Database, Depends(create_database)],
51 access_token: Annotated[str | None, Cookie()] = None,
52) -> UserEntity:
53 """Try to get the current user from the access token.
55 Not authorized will be raised when the access token is not found, expired, revoked
56 or when the user is revoked.
57 """
58 if not access_token:
59 raise HTTPException(
60 status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Access token cookie missing"
61 )
62 return await _get_user_from_token(access_token,, db)
65optional_oauth = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="/api/v1/auth/login", auto_error=False)
68async def get_publisher(
69 settings=Depends(get_settings),
70) -> AsyncGenerator[Publisher, None]:
71 """Get the publisher dependency."""
72 broker = RedisBroker(
73 url=f"redis://{}:{settings.redis.port}",
74 # middlewares=[LoggerMiddleware],
75 security=SASLPlaintext(
76 username="",
77 password=settings.redis.password,
78 ),
79 )
80 await broker.start()
81 yield FastStreamPublisher(broker)
84async def get_optional_user(
85 settings: Annotated[Settings, Depends(get_settings)],
86 db: Annotated[Database, Depends(create_database)],
87 access_token: Annotated[str | None, Cookie()] = None,
88) -> UserEntity | None:
89 """Try to get the current user from an access token.
91 When no token is available in the request, None will be returned.
93 Not authorized will be raised when the access token is expired, revoked
94 or when the user is revoked.
95 """
96 if access_token is None:
97 return None
99 return await _get_user_from_token(access_token,, db)
102async def _get_user_from_token(
103 token: str, security_settings: SecuritySettings, db: Database
104) -> UserEntity:
105 """Try to get the user from the token.
107 Returns: The user associated with the access token.
108 """
109 try:
110 payload = jwt.decode(
111 token,
112 security_settings.jwt_secret,
113 algorithms=[security_settings.jwt_algorithm],
114 )
115 except ExpiredSignatureError as exc:
116 raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail=str(exc)) from exc
118 access_token_repo = AccessTokenDbRepository(db)
119 try:
120 access_token = await access_token_repo.get_by_identifier(
121 TokenIdentifier(hex_string=payload["jti"])
122 )
123 except AccessTokenNotFoundException as exc:
124 raise HTTPException(
125 status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="The access token is unknown."
126 ) from exc
128 # Check if the access token is assigned to the user we have in the subject of JWT.
129 if not access_token.user_account.user.uuid == payload["sub"]:
130 raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
132 if access_token.revoked:
133 raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
135 if access_token.user_account.revoked:
136 raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
138 if access_token.expired:
139 raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
141 return access_token.user_account.user